More About Me

Donald's professional purpose is to unequivocally produce exceptional results for clients, while delivering distinctive and personal service. Delivering a distinctive and personal service experience is about positioning clients as top priority. In our fast-paced and demanding lives this equates to responding promptly to all correspondence, being attentive to the client's concerns, communicating effectively to ensure complete understanding, and maintaining flexibility to accommodate the client's needs. Donald's commitment to his clients is this very foundation, and he consistently evolves to improve each client's personal experience.

Donald has accumulated expansive knowledge of the real estate landscape during his 20+ year career that includes a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of the real estate transaction. This knowledge covers many facets such as valuating an asset based on its location, architecture and finishes, and condition; consulting clients how to best prepare the property for market; employing a world-class marketing team to capture and present a property's best features; and finally, consult client on the offers received, negotiate the most favorable terms, and celebrate a successful closing. Sonoma County offers some of the most beautiful and diverse real estate purchasing opportunities. Donald feels that any chosen real estate professional should have a keen understanding of the different characteristics of country to city properties as they each can present unique benefits and challenges.

Apart from assisting individuals and families, Donald excels in consulting his clients, which range from Attorney's, Professional Fiduciaries, Trustees, and Administrators on the sale of trust and estate properties. He has a vast array of experience and genuine understanding of the special needs and concerns related to these transactions. Accumulating a proven list of service providers to help navigate clients through this often emotional time, Donald can assist with anything from locating the right vendor for an estate sale, removal of personal property and clean up, inspection and identification of defects, making repairs, and ultimately preparing the property for market to encourage the best return to the estate. Donald holds a Senior Real Estate Specialist Designation, Certified Probate Specialist Certificate, and is an Affiliate Member of the Sonoma County Bar Association: Trust & Estates and Real Estate Sections.

When not serving clients, you will find Donald with his beloved family: Erika (Wife), Francesca (Daughter), Samuel (Son), and Rose (Aussie-Doodle). His favorite hobbies are tending to his barrel of Barbera in the garage wine cellar, cooking for his family a wide range of cuisines, or getting fresh air on one of Sonoma County's many beautiful golf courses. Donald loves experiencing many of the different outdoor activities that Sonoma County offers, and Erika has planted the travel seed with recent travels to South Africa, Nicaragua, Mexico, Italy, England, and Scotland, with several more on the list.

